As I mentioned in previous posts, I recently led worship at a marriage retreat.
Usually, at such events, the amount of information you receive is the brain equivalent to filling a tea cup in Niagra Falls.
If your brain cup doesn’t get totally knocked out of your hand and shattered on the rocks below, the shear volume of the information “flow” splashes anything you might retain right out leaving you with a mere “mist” collected inside.
That, basically, amounts to one or two things you actually remember and take home from any retreat/meeting/conference/war council.
One of those things from this particular retreat was the whole “Pray Naked” concept, which I explained two posts ago.
The other was mirror writing.
I’m not talking about writing backwards like Leonardo Davinci did.
This requires a $1.50 dry erase marker and a bathroom mirror.
The idea is that you can have a place to write love notes to your spouse where they won’t miss them.
They wash off with Windex and are read when most people feel the most insecure.
While they are noticing all the pimples, growing crow’s feet, and slowly inflating mid-line tires.
It doesn’t have to be anything “flowery” or eloquent.
Men, if you want to write, “You smell good”, I’m sure your wife will understand that you really mean, “Honey, you are an amazing and attractive woman whom I admire and adore.”
And so, as you have probably guessed by now, Laura and I decided to adopt mirror writing into our lives.
Our kids have even jumped in and asked us to leave notes for “mommy” or “daddy”.
We love it.
But I noticed something the other day.
As I was trying to shave or brush my teeth or strike my best Calvin Klein model pose….I mean comb my hair…I realized that I was looking through the notes.
My eyes were focused on my own reflection, reducing the letters on the mirror to mere blurs.
And I sensed God saying, “Adam, that’s how you approach the Scriptures sometimes.”
I share that for two reasons.
1) Because God was right and…
2) Because I think lots of people do the same thing.
I think that most of us start off OK.
We read Scripture focused on what God is trying to say to us and believing that THOSE words are true.
But somewhere along the way, we become distracted by our own beauty or flaws and slowly, those things pull into focus while the words of Truth and Life fade into the foreground.
We miss the love letter.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
I’m all for self-reflection.
But I believe we can get stuck there and miss what it is God wants to say to us, and the life He offers us.
This past Sunday at my church, we sang a song that deals with this very idea of focus.
As I sang in worship, I thought of mirror writing and The Love Letter of God, Jesus.
Here are some of the words:
O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
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