Alanna turned 1 last month, which means one thing to me.
Since I’ve never really had a “real” job (and by “real” I mean 9-5 and suits and stuff like that) I’ve been fortunate to have lots of time with the kids.
That also means that I’ve had to take all three kids to get their shots.
Every time.
Well…except once.
The one time, Laura had to bring them, she came home and looked at me with awe.
I played it cool and said, “it’s no big deal”.
Inside I was saying “That’s right, baby! You’re married to Superman!”
Of course Brehm’s kindergarten shots were the worst.
I think I was more traumatized than him, which is saying something considering he was so upset he said he would rather get Polio and spend his life in a wheelchair than get another shot.
Anyway…this week was Alanna’s turn.
I haven’t decided which is worse; shots with the older kids or the baby.
The older kids have a more expressive vocabulary with which to protest.
“OWWWWW that nurse just shoved a metal spike the size of the Eiffel Tower into my femur, Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”
But when they’re babies, they don’t know what’s coming.
They lay down on that butcher paper covered cushion smiling and then….
The breathless scream.
You parents know the one.
Mouth open.
No sound
Red face.
You just want to say, “Breathe! Please! OK….not funny anymore. Breathe!”
Then it’s over.
They get bandaids with cartoon characters or silvery holograms (yes! I know! Where were THOSE when I was a kid?!?!) and before you know it, you’re in the car.
Now, whoever thought of inoculations was either a total genius or the scientific equivalent of a high-school boy.
I can just see it.
They’re in the lab with a needle full of something, triple-dog-daring each other to try it.
The reason I say that is this:
When you explain what those shots are, it sounds completely nuts.
It’s a virus…
…but not a virus…
…because all the virus stuff has been sucked out of the insides…
…but it’s still a virus.
And so you give yourself the virus so you don’t get the virus.
It seems like a paradox out of medical bizzaro world.
Almost like when Jesus says, “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it”
Why is it, that I seem to have an easier time with a doctor telling me, “I need to make you sick so you won’t get sick” than I do with what Jesus has to say?
Because when I REALY think about it, it seems crazy.
Just like the shots.
That is, until I bring the concept of possession into it.
Not The Exorcist type possession.
The ownership type.
You see, “health” is not something that the doctor possesses that can be handed out.
That’s why it’s called a “practice” instead of the “health dispensary”.
But life….
That IS something that God possesses.
That IS something that is His to give.
So when He says, "...whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." He's actually in a position to make good on that promise.
One the other hand, "life" is not something that I have the ability to find or create.
And so, any “life” I find or create for myself isn’t really life at all.
But as soon as I give up that counterfeit, I can receive the real deal.
The doctor can only offer “weak, non-virus virus” in exchange for “strong, deadly virus”.
But God….
But God offers “LIFE” in exchange for “not life”.
And that seems like a pretty good deal to me.